
  • Ms. CGC. Emile Moura Coelho de Silva

    Genetic Counselor at the Center for Neurogenetics at UTHealth, Houston.
    Specializing in genetic epilepsies and neurodevelopmental disorders.
    She also works at the UTHealth Houston Multidisciplinary Center for SCN2A-Related Disorders.
    Beyond her clinical responsabilities, Émile conducts research on genotype-phenotype correlations and variant interpretation, and provides genetics education to trainees and healthcare providers.
Ponencias en el Congreso

13 de noviembre

Curso Precongreso Especializado
Genetic Variant Interpretation in Monogenic Neurological Disorders
Salón La Oriental / Centro de Convenciones William O. Jenkins
12:30 - 14:30
  • Dr. Dennis Lal
  • Dr. Tobias Brünger
  • Dr. Luis Leonardo Flores Lagunes
  • Ms. CGC. Emile Moura Coelho de Silva

Tools to Apply Up-to-Date Variant Pathogenicity Classification Criteria
11:00 - 12:00
  • Dr. Tobias Brünger
  • Ms. CGC. Emile Moura Coelho de Silva
Variant Classification Case Examples
12:30 - 13:30
  • Dr. Tobias Brünger
  • Ms. CGC. Emile Moura Coelho de Silva